okay, here goes: (1) support($), not just read, independent media, such as Dermot Cole and Alaska Beacon or one's local branch of States Newsroom, (2) support ($) local libraries as they are under attack both budgetarily and content/service wise (3) letters to the editor or submitting comments- it may be- ?Howard?- that the tenor of a majority of LTEs may impact editorial decisions, (4) send kudos- handwritten best, email okay, phone okay to folks- elected officials...- that do something right so that the balance of their feedback is not from the uninformed rabid (5) attempt to not discuss people in broad generalities- " all of them..." "all of us"- that is inherently divisive when our task is to reel folks back into reality and into caring about others one at a time (6) encourage elected officials to do a more thorough job of explaining (a) what has been accomplished- just the drug price cap deserves a superbowl ad and (b) explain specifically what is intended to be accomplished..

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The reference to Lincoln is appreciated. Our nation is so divided that a civil war does not seem too far from reality. All because of blatant lies that so many are willing to believe. When did people quit thinking?

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well said. I think we can give one sigh of relief, and then need to Press On! Look forward to your ideas on how to do so.

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Nov 15, 2022·edited Nov 15, 2022Author

Well, I sure don’t have a handful of specific suggestions, more thematic ideas. I’m looking for ideas and suggestions, too. Conversation, and all that.

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