Stable genius
Donald Trump pulled out that old self-description recently writing about the election on his Truth Social platform. To which we say, "Same old stable, same old shit."
I like this portrayal of Trump in overalls. We are so used to seeing him in a business suit or golf togs that this seems like a fresh way to imagine him. (My preference would be to stop imagining him at all, but that’s not yet practical in today’s political climate.)
I thought about trying to work in an Augean Stables angle, but that would mix the message, casting Trump as a hero, Hercules. Trump-as-hero would have taken much engineering to pull off, only to be a distraction. But it’s still implicit for those familiar with Greek mythology.
If I could change it (and I guess there is no reason I couldn’t) I would consider putting in figures of Sarah Palin and Kelly Tshibaka shoveling along with him, and re-caption it Stable Geniuses, but I think it works better solely focused on Trump.
Oh! I just thought of a way to make the Greek angle work! Headline it “Augean Stable Hand”. On second thought, nah, probably not enough Greek mythology buffs out there to make it work.
Which brings up a question. Can you cheat at gardening?
Peter, ues!!! using harmful chemicals, is cheating when it comes to gardening.